Getting Started with Shield Payment Page Manager

This page will help you get started with Shield Payment Page Manager. You'll be up and running in a jiffy!


    To use MCP Shield Payment Page Manager, you will need :
  1. Register Service on Shield Dashboard
  2. Access to Shield Payment Page Manager

How to use shield payment manager?

    Integration includes two parts;
  1. Service Selection.
  2. Choose Parameters.
  3. Upload File.
Getting Started with Shield Payment Page Manager

Payment Page Manager Integration Flow

Shield payment page manager loads shield into provided landing page based on given Parameters And then process on provided data.

Payment Page Manager Flow

Shield payment page manager is a middleware b/w consumer and payment gateway, verifies the transaction whether it is fraudulent or legal.

Payment Page Manager Directory Structure

Shield Payment Page Manager has defined directory structure, make sure you are following them, Otherwise, it will not work.

Root Root is the main directory contains all of the necessary files.
  1. assets is a directory inside root directory.
  2. There are three more sub-directories inside assets directory. css , js , images
  3. assets
    1. CSS contains all the styles used in your landing page.
    2. JS contains all the javascript/jquery files.
    3. IMAGES directory contains all images including logo, banner image etc.
  1. Index.html is main layout file (Your landing page)
  2. There should be some constants defined in Index.html file, like SHIELD_KIT, UNIQUE_ID etc. Details of shield constants described below.
You can find Sample file from here
Payment Page Manager Directory Structure
 -- root
    |      -- assets
           |   -- css
               |  -- all-css files

           |   -- js
               |  -- all js files

           |   -- images
               |  -- all images files


Shield Constants

Shield Payment Page Manager uses defined constants defined in your landing page index.html, make sure you are including them in right place, Otherwise it will not work.

Shield Constants
Shield Constants
  • In script tag inside head
        // script tag starts
        // script tag ends
  • Place inside your post form action
                                                            // form tag starts
        // form tag ends
  • Place inside your form
        // form tag starts
        // form tag ends
You can find Sample file from here

Verification API

To make request on Veriifcation API pass UNIQUE ID as a parameter


Verification API
API Endpoint
Api Response
OK Ok To Process
PROCESSED Already Processed
NOT-OK Flow Is Not Clean
INVALID UNIQID Uniqid Is Not Valid
ERROR Server Side Error
Missing UNIQID UNIQID Missing In Request